Monday, July 28, 2008

Losin my mind!!!

You know..holidays are a pain...the novelty and the freedom wears off in like 2 max 1 week...after that,you are left to your own devices..its up to u as to how effectively you utilize it.

As long as u have something productive in mind..good..or else....its so sad..u get bugged of lazing about,surfing channels,reading novels and browsing the net.Daydreaming also turns into nightmares eventually.

Of course,in my case this is a self-imposed exile,considering i can actually go job-hunting if i want to...but well..the laziness bug has caught fact,I guess I've perfected the art f doing nothing.(Mind you!Its not easy you know..)

Besides,I already have a joining date(Ya,I am a pompous bighead!I don't care what u think!)
Anyway...I've given up trying to make sense of my life..atleast I can kinda cook known delicacies(achievement of the holidays..and the only useful thing I guess)..

I've also compiled 39 poems of mine(self-composed!!!)...I've created html pages with pictures(I painted them on windows paint;)) for 3 of those poems so far(really jobless..ya i ode to my CSE base)..

I've spent a lot of time pondering and re-pondering about a lot of stuff..I always wonder if there is ever a good time to give up on an unfulfilled pursuit..or will you be tagged a quitter..i'm still wondering....


Unknown said...

keep wondering..he hee... :)

Sana said...

i agree with you whole heartedly.. i have never hated my free time so much.. i want an end to it.. i want a job! :x