Monday, July 5, 2010

And love came calling....

From Inky-Gray to crystal blue,
Every season you have been through,
The colors of the sky and the seasons change,
Experiencing a spectacular range,
Having been through heaven and hell,
Lots to say,but nothing to tell,
Have the feelings made you numb?
Why do you stand,so mute ,so dumb?
Having ridden the crest and trough,
You have become really tough,
So why does the past,break into your shell,
creating an unrest,making you unwell?
And now when you have a spine of steel,
What's that once again you feel?
Sweet scents and rain droplets falling,
Once more,has love come calling?

1 comment:

Sana said...

Nice..i like it, It has a song like feel to it..