Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You killed the romantic in me....

This is a poem I composed durin one of my CIP classes(8th sem VTU students will know!)....Well I'd say for once I put a CIP class to good use..of course I was thinking about a certain someone..and this is what I composed...(Mind you,this is an original work so don't dare fudge it,else..I curse you to rot in hell!!!!!)

Here goes...

"You came,you saw,you conquered,
What?I'm not so sure
But you'll have to take my word,
You made me restless,is there a cure?

There's nothing special about you,
If I stop and think rationally,
You made me rationalize my love,
You have killed the romantic in me...

They say time heals the worst wound,
I won't say that its untrue,
But my wound only seems to get more deep,
Tell me,what do I do?

There was a time when,
Anything about you made me smile.
Today,I can gaze at you,
but that feeling coming,takes a while.

I'm not confused about what I feel,
I've loved you for so lon.
But now if I sit back and think,
I realize,for me,you're so wrong.

Trying to forget you,
tore me apart.
Maybe some fine day,
you won't be missed in my heart"


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