Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another birthday gone...I'm old!!

That's right...I feel old all of a sudden..I knew it was coming...I mean age is just another number...But suddenly i have surpassed my teens n my youth(in my mind i.e)...

I used to wonder y women were inclined to hide their age as a child...Now suddenly..I think I know...I'm not paranoid bout my age....I'll happily own up to it..I'm 22!!..

But why is tat when a guy is 22 he seems to sound like a youngster...but a girl is reffered to as a does make her sound old!!When I was 18,people mistook me for a 15-yr-old...(I was of a small build..not so anymore..)

Now I feel myself belonging to a totally different generation...I mean I don't catch the slang...i think the youngsters are too rowdy and I generally worry bout the direction our world is headed to(ya look at me doing grandma talk!!!)

I'm more inclined towards charitable deeds,have started to ponder bout karma,and ve started to show increased faith in God almighty(Yeah i know I sound like a total freak for a 22-yr-old!!)I have always believed in the power of love..not the trashy stuff they show in the movies,but love in its most pure and untarnished form..selfless love.(Foreign concept to u..huh?)..
Well anyway,my faith has seen some pretty unbelievable miracles gives me hope sometimes..and makes me feel extremely sad at other times..Y?...coz not too many believe in such unwavering devotion or passion..Including the one I'm in love with...He doesn't believe there is such a thing as love..He thinks it is all just attraction...He believes I too am just fooling myself..
God bless him and his magnetic smile...

I don't say anything to him coz i believe there is greater joy in self-discovery than in being taught by a stranger..Someday he'll know...I believe...

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