Monday, July 28, 2008

Losin my mind!!!

You know..holidays are a pain...the novelty and the freedom wears off in like 2 max 1 week...after that,you are left to your own devices..its up to u as to how effectively you utilize it.

As long as u have something productive in mind..good..or else....its so sad..u get bugged of lazing about,surfing channels,reading novels and browsing the net.Daydreaming also turns into nightmares eventually.

Of course,in my case this is a self-imposed exile,considering i can actually go job-hunting if i want to...but well..the laziness bug has caught fact,I guess I've perfected the art f doing nothing.(Mind you!Its not easy you know..)

Besides,I already have a joining date(Ya,I am a pompous bighead!I don't care what u think!)
Anyway...I've given up trying to make sense of my life..atleast I can kinda cook known delicacies(achievement of the holidays..and the only useful thing I guess)..

I've also compiled 39 poems of mine(self-composed!!!)...I've created html pages with pictures(I painted them on windows paint;)) for 3 of those poems so far(really jobless..ya i ode to my CSE base)..

I've spent a lot of time pondering and re-pondering about a lot of stuff..I always wonder if there is ever a good time to give up on an unfulfilled pursuit..or will you be tagged a quitter..i'm still wondering....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Passport Ordeal...

Whoever said "honesty is the best policy" should be hanged!Of course clearly that person was in a delirium or someone had him/her at gunpoint.I didn;t have to face either..but a lot worse.You know..I think I'd have preferred gunpoint to running around for my passport... u think obtaining a passport is no big deal?I applied for my passport on 13th May 2008,from my permanent residence which I had shifted to in march 2008.
I guess I should have asked my inner voice to shut up and listened to my dad who asked me to simply apply from the old address to avoid complications..But no!A certain Gandhi would've been proud of me!Ha!
Since I had not finished 1 yr here,I had to undergo 2 police verifications at 2 separate police stations...both of who never bothered to call me unless I went and enquired about my pending passport office summons(dated 4th july) reached some random neighbour who doesn't even know my name on 22nd july(Our effective postal sysytem..kudos!)...I had to visit the passport head office twice(wait in thequeue in hot sun for nearly 3 hours on each visit)..reverify and resubmit my address proof on every occasion and I still haven't obtained it,my passport i.e

Normally, one is supposed to obtain his/her passport within a period of 45 for me..73 days and still counting....

Friday, July 18, 2008

Eternal Loner

This I wrote over the past week'll see..It goes..

"In the bliss of solitude,
I scrutinized my attitude.
When in a crowd,
I want to be lonely,
On other occasions,
I crave company.
I guess I like company,
Just as long as it doesn't bother me!

Sincerity is a part of me,
Loyalty comes naturally,
But love continues to play hide-n-seek,
my resolve to find it,is getting weak.

My opinions reflect my psyche,
unsure,undecided,but filled with honesty.
I let anyone and anything bother me,
Yet believe myself to be carefree!

I do have friends,so many,
But do I really trust any?
Don't get me wrong,they're very nice,
but I tend to notice,sweet talk and lies.

Am I any better?Definitely not!
But I still don't like to mix with the lot.
Am I full of contradictions?
I subject myself to introspection.

Sometimes I think I'm a hopeless goner,
or perhaps just the Eternal loner"

- Renju.S.Kumar

Oh by the way I got my 8th sem results....84%...Topped my dept finally...Am I gloating? Definitely!!Its not an everyday occurence,is it?As they say...Better late than never!!!:)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

You killed the romantic in me....

This is a poem I composed durin one of my CIP classes(8th sem VTU students will know!)....Well I'd say for once I put a CIP class to good use..of course I was thinking about a certain someone..and this is what I composed...(Mind you,this is an original work so don't dare fudge it,else..I curse you to rot in hell!!!!!)

Here goes...

"You came,you saw,you conquered,
What?I'm not so sure
But you'll have to take my word,
You made me restless,is there a cure?

There's nothing special about you,
If I stop and think rationally,
You made me rationalize my love,
You have killed the romantic in me...

They say time heals the worst wound,
I won't say that its untrue,
But my wound only seems to get more deep,
Tell me,what do I do?

There was a time when,
Anything about you made me smile.
Today,I can gaze at you,
but that feeling coming,takes a while.

I'm not confused about what I feel,
I've loved you for so lon.
But now if I sit back and think,
I realize,for me,you're so wrong.

Trying to forget you,
tore me apart.
Maybe some fine day,
you won't be missed in my heart"


Monday, July 7, 2008


This is a poem I composed last night....

"I've endured my share of struggle,
I've overcome many an obstacle,
I don't claim to have reached the peak,
Though,eventually,that is what I seek.

I am what I am,
right here,right now,today.
But about tommorow..
Well,who really can say?

There is no such thing,
as a lost cause.
Its your life,your fate,
hence,you are the boss!

Whether you continue or quit,
Is your personal choice,
To stay on the victor's end,
listen to your inner voice..
If you think you deserve somethin'
Believe in yourself,you can win.

It's lonely at the top I hear,
That's no cause for concern or fear,
because not too many,
attempt the impossible & make it look easy.

Remember that,"The winner takes it all"
But in the event of a fall,
If someone undeserving is chosen over you,
Instead of feigning bravado,And telling ,"its ok! I'll be fine!"
To whomsoever it may concern,you say,
"Hey!Its your loss,not mine!!!"

06/07/08(Interesting date huh??)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Right here,right now...

"Here's to me and here's to you,
And here's to love and laughter,
I'll be true as long as you,
Not a moment after"
-Linda Goodman

I guess that while penning these 4 lines Linda Goodman didn't realize she was infact penning the modern day mantra...Each person to himself/herself(Get used to it..I am a self-declared feminist!)..Trust remains only so long as it has not been broken...And once it has ben broken..there is no looking back...We all live for ourselves..and have no qualms with the 'Live and let live' principle...But "tread on my toes and I'll squash you!!" it is a silent but implicit message..

I'm a huge fan of hers..Linda Goodman tat is...Have read Sunsigns,Lovesigns and star signs...all being her compositions...I won't call myself the superstitious kind...but I'm drawn to her compositions..She makes more sense than most other astrologers..I like her becoz she draws on the behavioral characteristics of people.I think I'm someone like her on occasions...I like to observe people,their behavioral traits,their characteristics,...just for academic purposes..

Y? Coz no soap opera,movie or reality show matches what you can see right in front of you!!I try not to judge anyone(I'm still trying!)I wouldn't call myself a great judge of character(I mean for all my surface nonchalance..I do end up making the dumbest of acquaintances!!)My first instinct about most people are pretty good...And when i think that someone is a shady character..(translated means this person could cause me personal damage!)..I think i should simply go with my gut instinct..

Instead,however,I just convince myself that I'm judging too harshly and perhaps that person deserves a chance,...another chance,..this last chance....And thus continue my string of bad judgements..Inevitably,my gut instinct wins..and laughs at me,pointing a finger in my direction!

"Shame on u if u fool me once'
Shame on me if u fool me twice"
-Shania Twain
I should probably wear the crown of being in a fool's paradise...But all is not lost..Just that I wish I could be as straightforward as the 4 lines of Linda Goodman...And you know what..Maybe I will..

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another birthday gone...I'm old!!

That's right...I feel old all of a sudden..I knew it was coming...I mean age is just another number...But suddenly i have surpassed my teens n my youth(in my mind i.e)...

I used to wonder y women were inclined to hide their age as a child...Now suddenly..I think I know...I'm not paranoid bout my age....I'll happily own up to it..I'm 22!!..

But why is tat when a guy is 22 he seems to sound like a youngster...but a girl is reffered to as a does make her sound old!!When I was 18,people mistook me for a 15-yr-old...(I was of a small build..not so anymore..)

Now I feel myself belonging to a totally different generation...I mean I don't catch the slang...i think the youngsters are too rowdy and I generally worry bout the direction our world is headed to(ya look at me doing grandma talk!!!)

I'm more inclined towards charitable deeds,have started to ponder bout karma,and ve started to show increased faith in God almighty(Yeah i know I sound like a total freak for a 22-yr-old!!)I have always believed in the power of love..not the trashy stuff they show in the movies,but love in its most pure and untarnished form..selfless love.(Foreign concept to u..huh?)..
Well anyway,my faith has seen some pretty unbelievable miracles gives me hope sometimes..and makes me feel extremely sad at other times..Y?...coz not too many believe in such unwavering devotion or passion..Including the one I'm in love with...He doesn't believe there is such a thing as love..He thinks it is all just attraction...He believes I too am just fooling myself..
God bless him and his magnetic smile...

I don't say anything to him coz i believe there is greater joy in self-discovery than in being taught by a stranger..Someday he'll know...I believe...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Holiday Blues...

Life's not easy...I know...But what does one do when life seems to get progressively from bad to worse?...One day I'm perfectly sure of what I want,but the very next day,I'm wonderin is that really what i want...Ya...I suppose my confusion is something I can attribute to my age...But then again..Isn't age just a state of mind?Hence,My state of mind suddenly comes under the scanner...

Mind you..I'm no nutcase..(Pretty sure thats wat u r thinking right now!:))..sometimes my thouht process makes me feel wise beyond my other times..I think.."How thick could I get?!"..
I love to argue..N for reasons unfathomable to myself,I love to be on the other side...Simply to contradict the popular view...Somehow,it seems to give me a high...

As long as there is someone jobless enough to sit n argue with me,things r great!But when I don't have an opponent,I seem to argue with myself....Do I contradict myself?...Just for academic interest I suppose...I seem to have a clear idea about what i dont want...But as for what I really want...Well..I still dunno..

There was a time when I used to base my decisions on my gut feeling..(Intuition n stuff..)..but off late I'm unable to hear my inner voice.....................

Tragic isn't it?I love to sympathise with my state of mind from a third person's point of view(creepy I know..)..Through all my ups and downs,I always know what part of the current situation was my fault..N I readily accept it...What drives me wild is when the offender doesn't own up to his/her part of the damage..

Its a popular opinion regarding me that I'm too open,honest,straightforward for my own good...Ya so?..At least I don't have to resort to pretence to get my way around...Saves me so much of time and effort..Personally,I wish people would stop playing silly mind games ..It is indecent and disgusting...nd frankly I fail to understand how they can retain all the details of their make-believe life..And besides once their game is up( embarassing for them..)..I wonder will their life ever be the same again..

One of the cardinal rules according to me is,'never break my trust'..I'll forgive murder,stealing,lying(under extreme circumstances of course!!),but not breach of trust...coz most relationships are based on trust...I understand nobody is perfect..that includes myself...and I'm ok with it..So why pretend being someone you are not when some day the cat will definitely be outta the bag?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Winter Sunshine

Alright! So I am finally making an entrance to the world of blogging!(Ya..Ya too late..I know! But better late than never..right?)

Kinda bored now that I'm done with my exams..(like you care..) anyways,Today I'm in the mood to speak bout...well me!:-)Ok jokes apart...lets talk bout poetry..(Guys..please stop yawning!)

My love affair with poetry began when i was really young..I guess I was 5..(believe me it is true!)
I wrote 4 lines on the rain...Infact it is the rain more often than not that sets me in a mood for composing.

As expected,those 4 lines were pretty lame,but all the same..(Hey watch me!I'm already rhyming stuff!!:-))..I won't include those 4 lines here coz I doubt it may affect my future prospects as a poetess(ya...feminist..its true)...but more importantly because,I don't really remember it that well!!!!

Moving on,over the years I've written a lot of poems(standard length-16 lines...can exceed that sometimes..but the end result isn't very good)...I've a compilation of alll these poems in my old english classwork...And have named it "Winter Sunshine"(hence the name of this blog).

Why "Winter Sunshine"?..I guess mostly coz all my poems,or atleast most of them were composed when i was having the blues..Hence "winter"...and by the end of my composition,I realize its too negative and give myself hope by putting hope into the poem as well...Hence "Sunshine".
You know,typing stuff on the net isn't as fun as writing stuff into ur personal diary...but anyways...I've just started.Let's see how far I go..

In case you are wondering where's the sample of my poetry..Here goes an excerpt from 'Dear Friends of mine'

"In your presence,I didn't realize your essence,
Now in your absence,My loneliness is intense,
So jump over and cross that fence,
And come back to me,My dear friends"

So long...see ya