Friday, November 11, 2011

In Oblivion....

Am I devoid of emotion?
Why can't I compose a poem?
I cry,but no tears flow.
I'm cold,but i felt no breeze blow.
My soul screams out my pain.
But I don't feel it....insane?
From an active participant,
have I turned mute spectator?
So many suppressed feelings,
I enjoy the void,content in its constance.
Nothing to ruffle me,cause ripples in my calm.
It's the first ,when I've used my wounds as my balm.
If grief truly is joy,
turned inside out,
I've found my healing touch,
without a doubt!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

An interesting conversation :)

I received feedback about my previous article. I ended up having an interesting conversation with one of my friends regarding the same.I thought it was something worth putting up on the blog :)
It could probably help/guide someone else:
Actions ▼
Shreyas: ???
me: i need feedback.Thank you
Sent at 7:57 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: its 13th july not 14th
me: yeah
thanks for pointing it out
this is why i need feedback

Sent at 7:59 PM on Thursday
me: just the terror article
Shreyas: ok
me: what do u think?
Shreyas: Easy said than done
well put i would say
me: hehe
but it's practical i think
Shreyas: i wasn't aware of some of the points you mentioned
me: it just needs will
as in?
Sent at 8:08 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: It needs awareness, one which come from education - illiteracy is the issue here and other to keep them well informed (talking about the working class).
talking about will yes but it is the case of 'apna daal pakana'
me: true
but illiteracy doesn't stand in the way of common sense
Shreyas: for eg. take bribery, i had to get education loan so i needed my house papers from BBMP and I had to warm their hands
thats why I said awareness , to be well informed.
me: actually
bribing has become a way of life
if all people start refusing to payit'llautmaticlly set in the new trend
check out our reformed auto-wallahs for instance
now they charge metre fare from beniganahalli to my place
earlier Rs.30 was std rate
now i dont budge
if they say more
i say suit urself
Sent at 8:14 PM on Thursday
me: i couldn't believe itwhen they took just 17 rs

Shreyas: I don't understand how hate and violence can be ingrained in a person that they can kill others
me: its all about money
poor people do anythin for money
if they aresufficiently agitated
Shreyas: Ture
yes poverty is crippling
me: yeah
u can deal with extrenal militia
Shreyas: all these issues are just symptoms, the core is unhealthy
me: butwataboutthose who turn rebels within the country due to governmental apathy?
no its not just that
u check out sharad pawar
he was food and agricultural minister in the cabinet
but he was more interested in duties as BCCI/ICC cheif
and check out how foodgrains rotted in here
while people were hungry
Shreyas: Uff dont talk about that, punjab tons and tons of food grains rotting
me: why not?
someone needs to talk
u see things happening around
speak up
the more u stay quiet and accept
it becomes a way of life
and soon
u wontresent anything
i experimented with the auto guys
and itworked!
Shreyas: you need masses
me: i see hope
well - boond boond saagar banta hai

Shreyas: you need to understand the system
me: who makes the system?
we do!
we validate it into existence
stop validating
and automatically
the system gets customised according to ur convenience
Shreyas: That is what anna is trying to do
me: yeah
thing is
he's an old guy
he needs the younger ones to carry through
but all the young ones are stuckupin s/w jobs -well-paid and high flyers
who just wanna catch somesleep
too tired
the rest are pursuing higher studies outside the nation
Shreyas: Look at Karnataka
me: and serving those countries with their prodigous skill
i have noticed
unless its about cricket
Shreyas: its a mockery, YSR is busy saving his own behind, other when in power did not do anything, now not letting him to do any thing
me: ppl aregenerally ashamed of india
they dont think of culture and heritage
say india
and the mental image formed is that of corruption,garbage and stink
that image needs to go
it's all aboutpersonal glory
no one cares boutt others
all wanna save their own backs
Shreyas: yes, i know indians thenselves look down upon the systems here
me: exactly
even the poorest american or chinese is proud of his nation
and wierdly so is pakistan

indians- on the contraty are a cynical bunch
they just find faults
dont offer any plausible solutions
and expectsomeone else to take careof theirissues
even yesterday
rest of the country yelling at govt failures
but mumbai
they just went back to work
they dont care
coz they know
only they can help themselves
govt can only do so much
restis always up tou
Sent at 8:32 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: people know they are helpless, in the fact like this is life, only the ones who have suffered know the agony
me: aren't u sunshine?

noone is helpless
ppl are just too lazy
Sent at 8:38 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: not lazy, until it happens to them they will not stand up.
me: yeah
Sent at 8:40 PM on Thursday
me: they're just too laid bacl
Shreyas: not laid back, life keep them busy, just get on with their work
me: hmmm
it's not about being busy,
it's aboutpriorities
noticed how work takes a backseat when u have an emergency athome?
tats wat life is about
Sent at 8:43 PM on Thursday
I thank Shreyas for permitting me to share this chat transcript:)

To the Spirit of Mumbai!!!

Serial blasts in Mumbai last evening - Dadar, Opera House and Zaveri Bazaar. Again!
Once again,Mumbai,resilient as ever,responds,shows heart, brush off the dust and move on.Life continues non-stop.It's a slap on the face of the mischief-mongers when Mumbai seems to say,"Do what you can,it's not gonna stop us,or break our spirit!To hell with you,cowardly losers!Striking in the dark!" I salute the spirit of Mumbai.

Terror attacks, sadly, is not a new affair in the Indian subcontinent.Now Let’s see some of the major terrorist attacks on India in last fifteen years.

March 12, 1993 – Bombay bomb blasts, 257 deaths.
February 14, 1998 – Coimbatore blasts, 46 deaths.
October 1, 2001 – Terrorists attack Jammu-Kashmir assembly, 35 deaths.
December 13, 2001 – Attack on Indian parliament in New Delhi, 7 deaths.
September 24, 2002 – Terrorists attack the Akshardham temple in Gujarat, killing 31 innocent people.
March 13, 2003 – A terrorist bomb attack on a commuter train in Mumbai kills 11 people.
May 14, 2003 – Terrorists attack an army camp near Jammu, killing more than 30 people.
August 25, 2003 – Simultaneous car bombs in Mumbai, 52 deaths.
August 15, 2004 – Bomb Blast in Assam, killing 16 people, mostly school children.
July 5, 2005 – Shri Ram Janmabhoomi attack in Ayodhya
October 29, 2005 – Three powerful serial blasts in New Delhi at different places just two days before Hindu festival Deepawali, 70 deaths.
March 7, 2006 – 21 people killed in 3 synchronized terrorist attacks in Varanasi in Shri Sankatmochan Mandir and Varanasi Cantonment Railway Station.
July 11, 2006 – 200 people killed in a series of 7 train bombing during the evening rush hour near Mumbai.
September 8, 2006 – 37 people killed and 125 injured in a series of bomb blasts in the vicinity of a mosque in Malegaon, Maharashtra
May 18, 2007 – 13 people were killed, including 4 killed by the Indian police in the rioting that followed, in the bombing at Mecca Masjid, Hyderabad.
August 25, 2007 – 42 people were killed in two blasts in Hyderabad’s Lumbini park and a restaurant.
May 13, 2008 – 63 were killed in 9 bomb blasts along 6 areas in Jaipur.
July 25, 2008 – 2 were killed and 20 injured in 8 low intensity bomb blasts in Bangalore.
July 26, 2008 – 29 were killed and over 110 injured in 17 serial bomb blasts in Ahmedabad.

November 26,2008 - Mumbai under seige - Taj Mahal hotel,Nariman house,Trident complex,200(approx) killed

February 13th,2010 - Pune

And latest,yesterday - 14th July 2011,Mumbai.......again! - 17 dead,130 injured....and the show goes on.

Blame game? No way.We are above such mundane activities.How long do we look to the government for help,who consistently stand shame-faced. There is a limit to our patience too. So the public look to themselves for solace and support.They pick up their own pieces,help people in close quarters,to survive,for even if the governance has failed,humanity manages to survive,thankfully.

It speaks volumes about the large-heartedness of taxi -drivers are other vehicle riders in Mumbai who offered to evacuate the victims and rush them to the nearest hospitals,for free!In Bangalore,on the other hand, taxi drivers were charging double yesterday as private taxis were prohibited from entering the premises of the BIA airport due to heightened security on account of the high-alert!


Same nation. 2 mindsets. Welcome to India.Probably Mumbai has seen way too much grief when compared to Bangalore - the blasts,the rains, the sensex (being the financial capital),frivilous lifestyles and higher rates of heartbreaks in general. But the one thing you can't take away from Mumbai is -busy,hardworking crowd.They slog,day in and day out to present the image of glam and glitter to the rest of the world,while only they know the amount of work that goes into keeping up that image.

So why should a terror attack hold them back?The government may fail,the intelligence may fail,law and order may fail.Too bad for them.Mumbai however can't afford to make these rookie mistakes.

Check out Mumbai on the day after the terror attacks:

Buses on schedule.Trains on schedule.Schools and offices are open.Shops are open.It's Business as usual.And that's why it is still Mumbai - the most sought after career destination in India,no matter how threat-ridden,or how cut-throat.

As for the terror situation - 33 crores spent on the well-being of a terrorist caught live on CCTV on 26/11/2008.Sure,it sends a wonderful message to all those others waiting in the wings.Or if India really wants to send out a strong message,they'll have to be less on the paper and more taking to book.


1.Train general public on crowd behaviour in panic situation.Half the injuries were due to panic-ridden stampede.

2.Speed up the UID procedure so every Indian citizen has an ID on them.The non-indians can be weeded out. Agreed the population is vast and the problem is not small.

3.There are several govt offices that languish with lack of work/or will to work,difficult to say.Put them all to work on background verification in turns.It provides employment and a background verification of individuals in any locality.The most feasible one being the post-office,as the local postman is aware of most addresses and people therein.

4.Migrant employees will need bonafides from employers and should be expected to furnish these on demand.The onus of this background check will lie with the employer if suspicion falls on the employee.

5.In case of local artisans,traders,small time vendors or slum dwellers,the local police station should be in charge.The concept of a beat police which existed once upon a time has slowly become extinct.Time to reintroduce these men/women in 3 or 6 hour shifts 24*7 at every 2km radius. 4 constables covering the same area,preferably residing at the vicinity.Identification and familiarity could be an added bonus.To avoid ganging up,an impartial superior could be posted.

6.Indians contribute to half the foreign intelligence.If fair and adequate opportunities were provided to Indians, maybe the lure of the overseas would turn into a reverse brain-drain and Indian talent would be applied where it originated.

7.Unless a sense of pride doesn't touch the heart of Indians,all the above suggestions may well remain pipe-dreams.We are all agitated and frustrated.We can work towards the solution,if we really try.But are we willing to try?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dissecting God

Am I an atheist? I dunno. I believe in Karma. But religion(and this could probably open a can of worms), I am not so sure about.I think if you do good,the cosmic forces channel good back to you.
But religion,seem like human creations by some really charming and persuasive people who had other ideas.

It has amused me forever - how fear can control society. Paradoxically,indiscriminate use of power leads to fear which leads to repressed anger leads to lack of fear :) So i guess,in every problem lies its own solution,provided the problem is mulled over long enough.

Now God- the all seeing,all knowing omnipresent entity in everyone's life.It has to be your own conscience.Who else would see all and know all but you? When your fear of what you have done rattles you,consciously or subconsciously, you set the forces of attraction at play.And your own actions bring the counter productive forces to work against you.

While you pray,with all your heart you hope for something.You are ready to risk things to achieve the same. Which is why success can be achieved,eventually. And then there is disease,which can be healed,by having faith in medicines or by having immense faith that disease will be cured.

It's all in the mind.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sweet nothings :)

I'm trying to think of a suitable start,
To do justice to you,my heart ,
But the more I try, I feel despair,
For I can't seem to find the right words,
To describe your kind of care.

You are delightfully sweet,and dangerously so,
There's no point in lying,my soul you know.
Together we've sailed through highs and lows,
And our understanding,continually grows.

Love, as we have heard, may be blind,
But it's also fulfilling and uncommonly kind.
Throw in some laughter and generosity,
And you know,we're meant to be.

How do I know all this to be true?
The only reason,only answer is you.
Even when we're separated by a several miles,
You are still the reason,for all my smiles:)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Original Shayari :)

Yeah,so I keep bragging about my poetic prowess...turns out I am not a good poet:) That last fan mail was a practical joke pulled by a good friend!! Silly silly me :) Sometimes, such silly events have an uncanny knack of bringing life back into perspective:)....So I humbly concede defeat.

These are a few non-english verses I had composed when such a mood gripped me:)

Tujhe apna samajhkar apne dil mein di thi panaah,
Kaisi teri mohabbat thi, jisne kar di fanaah,
Ab dil mein baar baar ye sawaal uthtaa hai,
Saza us bhool ki mili,ya phir pyaar karna tha gunaah?
Jinhone jeene mein ummeed chod di,
woh maut se pehle hi mar gaye,
na khud jiya,na kisi ka kuch kar gaye,
Mayusi agar chaane lage,hone lage dil pe haavi,
Bas yeh yaad kar lena ki sirf tujhme basti hai,
tumhare kismat ki chaabi

Woh bhi kaisi zindagi hai,jo maut ke darr mein jiye,
Ab tak ka toh theek tha,socho aage ke liye,
Dil mein agar vishwaas ho,aur iraada nek,
apni har iccha hogi poori, chahe ek ho ya anek!

Abhi ranbhumi mein utre nahin,
ki bhaagne ko ho taiyyar,
Usne bhi kya zindagi ji,
ji na jung lada, na pyaar

Bahut ho gayi bhaaga daudi,ab mujhko jeena hai,
Poore kayaaat se lad jaayen,aise taana seena hai!
Waise bhi bhaag kar kya mila? - Gum aur tanhaai,
Ab nayi umang aur naya josh lekar hoon laut aayi.


Have lost touch with hindi/urdu/farsi compostions:)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tips to write a poem

Been at home for 10 days due to a back problem...strictly advised to stay away from the system for now:)But this post was worth all the effort!

Well,the title must sound grand.So I'd like to give the disclaimer beforehand - I am not an expert!But the following tips work,95% of the occasions.The remaining 5% I'll attribute to moments of misjudgement:) And why 95%? Well,coz I got my first fan mail!!(Ok,maybe not "fan mail",but appreciation at least!!)So I must be doing something right!!Right?

And since I am an obnoxious show off(And proud of it too:P), I am going to share the mail,and my reply.(Applause!!;))

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Saurabh Suman wrote:
Hi Renju,
I might be stranger to you but I've browsed your blog. and i was really impressed by the way you write. I also love the poetry but its not actually my cup of tea, but still i want to put my ideas in to the poems which the world should appreciate. Here is one of my poem(Can you pls just go through it and edit it wherever necessary):
You looked so happy with the path you had chosen
Getting everything in your, fame everything
you have a Mercedes standing in your great bungalow.
what else you need? you look so happy
But my dear friend, you're making your life dark
Today you're busy with your work,
You don't have time for your friends
Coz running behind the money as it's in trend
Have you forgotten the days which were spent together
the days when we sat together, laughed together,
where are those days?
Look inside you, you think you're happy
no my dear friend
ask yourself do you have even a shoulder to cry
is there anyone who is with you
you don't have time for anyone else..except money
money isn't life,look outside
don't be so selfish, this time won't come back
there won't be anyone even if you will be sad
life is so beautiful, take a step, and give your time
to your family.. to your friends,
who were always with you, even when the world detest
That would be really nice of you. Also, i don't know how to end my poem
Suman Saurabh

My reply:

Hi Suman,

I'm flattered that my blog has impressed you so much that you actually trust me to proof-read yours!!Consider me obnoxious,but I'll be adding this as a part of my blog:)

I am no expert.I just tend to write whatever catches my fancy or weighs on my mind at a given moment.If I happen to have a pen in my hand at that predestined moment,I end up composing it!I am sure anyone else can do the same,so there is no need to undermine yourself.

Anyway,I went through your poem.I didn't edit it because, as an artist,I know how much of effort and creativity goes into every piece of art -be it a poem,painting or a sculpture.So I wouldn't want to tarnish what is rightfully yours.

However,I can surely make a few suggestions.However,it is up to you,whether to incorporate it or not.

1.You do have a poetic sense,but the rhyming could make it more lyrical.Lyrics are not essential,but then,it would add a musical quality to your poems.You have rhymed it at certain places and ignored it at others.So,somewhere,the lyrical continuity is missing.Well,it's my personal opinion.

But please don't go writing things like -
The cat sat on a mat,
It wore a pretty hat!
(That's stupid)...Write about things that really concern you.Write from your heart.Doesn't matter if there are no rhyming words,the end result is bound to be beautiful.

2.This may sound a bit harsh.But I think you should work on your grammar.Throughout the poem,the tense of the poem is not clear-Past,present or future.It looks like you are comparing the past with the present and are warning about the future consequences,but the sequencing could be better.Presently,the poem goes back and forth.It could confuse your reader.

3.The ending is the most critical part of any poem.For it reflects what you are actually trying to convey through a poem.I don't see anything wrong with the present ending of your poem.

However,for future reference,you can end your poems in several ways. 2 of my favourite endings are when -

a)You make the decision for your readers to follow - These kind of endings are in poems with a strong theme.Topics that you feel strongly about.And topics that you have an opinion on.And the way you end it should be such,that the predominant thoughts among your readers,after going through the poem,should be in favour of your opinion.Or totally against!Never let it be neutral,for a poem stems from emotions.And hence should evoke the reader's emotions.

b)You let your readers take their own decision - These are usually attributed to poems with a deep meaning.Wherein,the answers don't lie on the surface of the issue,and require some sort of soul - searching.On such occasions,it is best for the reader to decide himself/herself.On these occasions,you leave the reader with a question in their mind,prodding them to look for the answers,be it outside,or within themselves.

Well,these are all the words of wisdom I could add from personal style and experience.I hope you'll find it useful.

Keep writing,and make sure you enjoy it while you do.If you enjoy it,I guarantee your readers surely will!

All the best!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's an open secret...

There's nothing new about corruption,
What's sad is,it's now an established institution!
If all is fair in love and war,
then what prevailed,is this superstar..
I promise,this is no satire,
Just trying to gauge the vastness,of this empire.

Your boss is an ace skunk,
But you call him a charmer;
Your customer could die of frostbite,
But you promise it'll get warmer.
Don't think of them as humans,they're just resources.
To hell with karma and other cosmic forces!

You don't need an exemplary qualification,
Heck!You don't even need education!
If you just master,the trade and it's tricks,
Doesn't matter, how much your conscience pricks.
An added advantage would be a poker face,
and whenever required,some charm and grace

Honesty and sincerity, are now old fashion;
Integrity died a slow death,sans passion.
If work is worship,then the boss must be god,
But doesn't this supernatural being,strike you as odd?
Millions of contacts,no familial ties,
Retrospect a bit,and voila! A web of lies!

More money than can be spent,
no sense of consequence,or any moral bent,
And if caught,instead of hanging heads in shame,
Proudly enter,the infamous' hall of fame;
While the ever rotting downtrodden,give a wry smile,
Ask,"Hasn't this circus been on for a while?"

Thursday, May 12, 2011

An original,not a version

I am gonna keep the faith
I am not running away
For I know it's never late
To make ityour day
I used to think I was small
But now I know my worth
I know this is not all
Mine wasn't an insignificant birth
I am meant to go far
yesterday,today and tommorow
For I am a bright,shining star,
Wont waste my life,wallowing in sorrow
Its time to dry out my tears
And to face all my fears
For I am a special person
An original,not a version

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Teach a Child Honesty - wikiHow

Teach a Child Honesty - wikiHow
"Honesty is a dead virtue! All human beings are sinners!"Well,not necessarily.I believe all human beings are innately good.How else would you explain love or sacrifice?Too high sounding?
Well,sample this.How do you feel after you perform a good deed?Something as simple as cleaning your room to slightly bigger tasks,like,volunteering for charity work.Lighter?Happier?Why is a smile contagious?
As human beings,we like to see the good things in the world.It is constant cautioning about the bad elements and negative conditioning from the more "experienced" that make us suspicious and bitter adults.
Children aren't prone to cynicism.They believe in Santa Claus and Tooth fairies.Even when their belief system/fantasy is broken at a later stage in life,they cherish the good old memories associated with it.
How often we wish if we could get back those simpler times.Times that gave us hope of good people in the world.Children are the best vehicles for propogating the change we want to see in the world.


  1. Teach them virtue of honesty by narrating short stories about superheroes and characters who rose to the occasion without compromising on values and defeated the bad people.Childhood memories leave indelible impressions on the subconcious mind.
  • Cater to their curiosity and encourage their inquisitiveness by answering their questions as honestly as possible. Sure,sometimes, things might get embarrassing,based on the level of the child's curiosity.But teach them tact,not dishonesty.
  • It is a common fact,that home is the first educational centre for a child.And children learn to lie by imitating their parents.Avoid this as much as possible,unless,it is in their interest,and not yours.
  • When a child confesses to some mischief or wrong doing,do not punish him/her.Instead appreciate his/her honesty and let him/her off with a stern warning.
  • If punishment is unavoidable,then make it extremely clear that while his/her honesty was appreciated,the deed is what deserves the punishment.Never send the signal that muddles up their notion that "being honest will lead to punishment,so why bother?"
  • In today's world of cut throat competition,being truthful might not always be practical.And sometimes,it can be downright suicidal.BUt teach your child,that while fibbing is bad,to lie to protect someone's life,or perhaps to protect someone from hurt feelings , is equally necessary.
  • Ancient Indian mythology says,"A lie told to protect someone,if far better than a 100 truths that will destroy him/her"
  • If your child has got the right message, he/she will grow up to be a wonderful human being,with empathy and compassion.And most of all,a genuine concern for every living and non-living thing that exists.
  • Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Teach a Child Honesty. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    From the heart again...

    You know,my last two posts,are simply garbage!!Well,I am my own worst critic, and ,presently ,I was being polite about my own piece of work.It's a very simple truth.I was trying to write about things that I seriously don't care about.Things that are not close to my heart.And I can see,the effort,at showing fake concern,quite frankly bombed!:)

    I am an IAS aspirant.So,here I was,trying to be all dignified and show concern about the matters that bog the world.Now I realize,dignity is not as important as integrity.With integrity,dignity follows,naturally.

    It's just that,I tried to show concern about things that don't really affect me at a grassroot level.It's very simple.One can only show concern about those things that affect them. Concern is an emotion.Not a diplomatic word.It brings in the concept of morality and care,empathy and sympathy.And when one acts dignified(for dignity is not a natural state,it is a practised art,just like deception),one is basically masquerading their actual feelings and emotions.

    Try expecting dignity from a beggar.You might come across a rare one with steely eyes,filled with intensity.You say,"My God!! What attitude!Can you imagine,he's just a beggar!!"Your reaction is always emotional.And you expect to see misery in the beggar.But if you threw money at the beggar's face,and then he places you with an intense look,registering your insult,it does unnerve you.

    He just exercised his integrity.He's not a destitute by choice,but your rudeness was.And you are equally aware of the fact.And believe it or not,it makes you feel really good about yourself. When you look at someone less fortunate compared to yourself,you automatically feel relief that you are not in that person's position,that you were spared the shame/embarassment/grief/misfortune/whatever. Even Gandhiji's talisman draws in on this fact,whether one realizes it or not. The world is indeed sinister.;)

    Off late,I have been going through the blogs and posts of several IAS/UPSC aspirants.A very interesting one reads"I want to be an honestIAS officer!!Please help!!!".
    Honestly!It's not merely laughable,it's pathetic.The choice of words "want to be honest" shows self-doubts about the candidates character. And the words "An honest IAS officer",shows that the concept of dishonest IAS officer has been institutionalized.Pathetic,how easily it has been accepted.And the worst,"Please help!!" Hahahaaha! Dude!Help yourself!Don't become one! Imagine,as a district collector/District Commisioner/Cabinet Secretary you are faced with a war/drought/flood/tsunami like situation and you reiterate those very words!Frankly demoralizing!

    No.I am not telling all of us are born with these answers.Most of us don't even know how to get through one whole day without causing any major disasters.But,you need to have enough faith in yourself to deal with your turmoils.Yes ,help will follow when needed.But you should be the leader in your situation,and be able to handle it.I don't know who quoted this,"If you don't have faith in yourself,then who will?".But ,it definitely is worth pondering over.

    I believe I am a great writer.I made my foray into social networking sites,a few years back.With due respect to them,on facebook and orkut,I don't find anything that stimulates my mind like when I am left alone with my own thoughts.Does that make me a narcissist?I don't know.Maybe I am obnoxious.But this is who I am. I am not afraid of my identiy.Nor ashamed of it.Whatever I am today,was because of wherever I chose to be at whichever point in my life.I am but the morphosis of my journey,not an end product in itself,for I have not attained my end,yet.

    Poverty ,Hunger ,Domestic ,Wage earners who are underpaid-now these things affect me. Social inequality,practise of caste system,male chauvinism,they bother me.But the real problem that enrages me-freedom- the definition,the boundaries,the whole circus around it.We have constitutions written around it.What we can,and what we can't do.Who determines it? You were born free.The moment they determine your sex,you lost half your freedom,and when you were registered as a citizen,you lose what's remaining too:D

    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    Looked West, Looking East,Headed to Look Upwards

    Theodore Roosevelt had advocated the famed "Big Stick Policy" during his political tenure."Talk softly and carry a big stick,and you'll go far".How many of us actually know that this, is in fact a West African proverb? It is a splendid example of how an interpretation can completely change the destiny of a man,a nation, for centuries to follow.

    The present day USA is but a culmination of migrant population from various colonies. They were sent to US as exile measures or slave trading. Then it wasn't even the USA.It was simply America. The America of the Native Americans,the Aboriginals and Indians(Disambiguated by Columbus's mistake,for he believed he had arrived at the East Indies).

    It is the migrants from various regions and colonies who actually migrated to America over the centuries,developed a collective consciousness and sense of National Identity.The overcame the colonial power excercised by Spain,France ,England and many other countries.On July 4th, 1776 – The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the 13 colony states of the United States Of America, separating it from Great Britain and its king. There has been speculations about whether July 4 was the actual day the Declaration of independence was signed.Indeed,it is thought that although July 4 was the said date,the actual declaration was signed on August 2,1776.

    There is an important geographic fact about July 4th.Earth is said to be at the perihelion,i.e,the farthest point from the sun on this particular day based on its revolutionary orbit.If that is true,light falling on the earth on its perihelion should be limited,considering the distance from the sun.But then,why is July midsummer in the West? Simply because,the seasons are determined by the 23.5 degree tilt of the earth's axis.Hence,the Northern hemisphere,tilting towards the sun,receives maximum sunlight.(The Southern hemisphere experiences winter during this time).Hence,July 4th receives maximum sunlight in the year.

    The Sun is the primordial and powerful source of energy,and hence all life processes on the Earth. A nation that declares its independence on the day with maximum sunlight,harnessing maximum "power"(pun very much intended), is obviously expected to utilize it! I am not an astrologer.I don't even claim to be one.But certain facts stare us in the face,even when we try to deny it.

    The US is unique in the fact that they never follow.When the whole world had right-sight driven cars,the US drives left.They follow the pound system,while the "Standard" says Kilogram.They follow Miles, and we scream "Kilometre".And the fun part,is that they are not different in a "mad-scientist" sort of way.They respect (or so it seems) the ways of other countries. But the message comes very quietly- "When you are on my turf,you follow my rules".It is not loud,but crystal clear(The Big Stick Policy applied and how!).They always chart out a different path,and ensure everyone else toes that line.Infuriating as this is to its allies(no one is openly hostile to the US!),they are forced to respect it,even if grudgingly so.

    The only few occasions where US complacence was shaken was during the dreaded Pearl Harbour episode,or the 9/11 attack on the WTC.But,the US reacted,and how! Somehow,the superpower, showed everyone, who the boss really is(Big Stick Policy again!),equivalent to breaking the bones of the offenders in what could be construed as revenge,sweet revenge

    Like all the planets orbit around the sun,somehow,all the countries in the unipolar world revolved around policy decisions made in the US.Unfortunately,the withering of its only serious rival for a very long time,the USSR,somehow sealed this fact. But like the cosmic truth that even a long day ultimately comes to an end, the focus is slowly shifting to the East.The Chinese making huge technological and economic advents(India is not far behind either).Japan had made its presence felt very long back with the amount of destruction it caused and underwent(Pearl Harbor,Hiroshima,Nagasaki,nuclear attack).

    Japan is a splendid example of resilience in the east.Braving earthquakes and volcanoes,they,along with the US,brave the Pacific Ring of Fire,and letting nothing deter it from being among the most developed countries in the world.It has braved a Tsunami recently,and is once again facing a serious nuclear situation due to the overheating of reactors in Fukushima,an aftermath of the recent dreaded Tsunami and earthquake.But nothing deters them.They move on and rebuild.

    The US tendency to play Big brother a host of nations, while resented,is actually obliged by economically weaker nations. Perhaps money does rule after all.But that's not it.The US makes native goodness look cool.It is the perfect Global ambassador. From Sushi(Japanese cuisine) to Yoga(Very very Indian),everything becomes cool once it is Americanized.Hell,even Swami Vivekananda was recognized once he went to America!!

    Perhaps that's the lure of this land.You can love them,hate them but just can't ignore them.Probably China is in the fray to topple the US complacence once again.The world will have to wait and watch if the US is atits twilight or rises once again like the proverbial phoenix.

    Or perhaps,like Japan, will all of them just realize that, all this one-up manship falls flat in the face of something above them all,Nature's fury unleashed?For then,man is truly humbled,and has to bow until nature has had her say.And start again....all over again.

    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Logic and Logistics

    As a kid,I heard of the story of 'Chicken Little',who cried the 'Sky is falling'.Actually,I heard it's Indian version-"Aasmaan gir raha hai".
    The gist of the story is that a rabbit hears a loud noise win its sleep,and presumes that the end of the world has arrived.He runs helter and skelter to inform everyone of impending doom and consequently everyone else panics and follows him(Mob mentality).

    Now you must forgive me for after this part my memory of this story isn't exactly crystal clear,but one wise animal(not sure which) stops the mob and asks why is there a stampede in progress.And(let's assume the sequence of animals from here based on my convenience;)),the fox replies-"The sky is falling",and he asks "who told you so?".The fox points to the wolf,the wolf to the deer,deer to the tiger and at some point,the originator of the news,the rabbit,comes under the scanner.

    The rabbit says ,"Well,I heard a loud explosion,so I thought the sky must be falling."Finally,the rabbit is taken to the spot where he heard the "explosion".And it turns out,the "explosion" was due to the gravitational descent of a jack fruit near the spot the rabbit had fallen asleep.

    The obvious moral of this story is that "One must not jump into conclusions".But on hindsight,it also speaks of the might of numbers.For,when the whole world is running in a certain direction,ancient wisdom would only propel us to follow that direction.Not to question it.(Mob mentality again).It is also perhaps why democracy gains popularity.For,the voice of the majority stands out.

    Ever wondered if the voice of the majority is actually the right one?Isaac Newton,Archimedes,St.Valentine.... why.. even Jesus Christ wasn't exactly very popular with the "authorities" who "knew" what was "right and wrong".Lone voices,that were not understood in their times,but later on in life.

    How is this relevant in the present day?For one,self-proclaimed superpowers who believe it is their sole and divine duty to "protect" the rest of the world.The hypocrisy of massacring innocents in certain countries for their own benefit while talking about "the right to rule over one's own land,of democracy and equality".The Jasmine revolution truly left behind its strong yet sweet fragrance.From Tunisia to Egypt and now Libya.

    Unlike the peaceful revolution in Tunis and Tahrir Square,Libyan revolution is seeing unprecedented bloodshed,which every nation in the United Nations Security Council (headquartered in New York) condemns. Ironically, the members of the UNSC are conveniently blind to happenings in Afghanistan! Of course,the other middle eastern countries and China have a different set of concerns.

    Mob mentality?Or the fear of upsetting the biggest bully in the ground?According to Debka File, the news website linked to Israeli security agencies, U.S., British and French military advisers and intelligence officers landed in the eastern breakaway province of Cyrenaica in Libya to prepare the logistics of a possible military operation.

    This Global policing is nothing short of global hypocrisy.While the intent may be right on this occasion,it has not been justified on several other occasions.Whether it was to find the imaginary "Weapons of Mass destruction" in Iraq which lead to the execution of Saddam Hussein, or the current air-strikes on Afghan.The guts of being able to shoot 2 Pakistani nationals on their own soil and having the nerve to demand diplomatic immunity!!I mean, would it work out the same if a diplomat shot the President and demanded "diplomatic immunity?!!!"The logic surpasses common sense.Every human life is precious.

    True,one may be a superpower.But even the comic book superhero agrees that "With great power comes great responsibility".Maybe it is time the superpowers took responsibility for their actions.For,if they expect the world to follow their rules,they'll have it understand that sooner or later they are going to catch up with their actions too.And it'll do no good crying foul then.

    Saturday, February 12, 2011

    Life is calling...

    where are you?..It's a tagline of a popular drink.I dunno about the effect of the drink,for I don't drink...yet;)...But that tagline sure has left an indelible impression upon me.It has forced me to do something I have not done ever since I started working..and to think!!

    It might sound funny..but it's sad actually.As a school kid or even as a college-goer,I was always teeming with creative ideas,constantly thinking,pondering,trying to understand...and ..ahem..make a difference.It was as natural as breathing.

    Ever since I started working,the only perk has been,economic independence.My life soon turned into a routine,and with it,my thought process.I became as mechanized as the machine I use at work.Log in,code,test,log out.That was it.

    I am not a machine.Obvious statement,I suppose.But my activities beg to differ from something that obvious.I am a unique creation of nature,just like everything and everyone else in nature.

    And a free spirit,who is to answer the call of life..for life is calling:)

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Disha Diaries

    Part 4

    It was almost like a stone had dropped into her stomach!She felt dizzy.She gripped the handle of her swivelling chair for support."This can't possibly be happening!!What the hell is he doing here?Am I hallucinating??".She pinched herself,"Ouch!"."What the...?",Trupti looked up.So did Shilpa.She didn't miss Disha's pallor.Disha was turning almost white.Shilpa quickly replied,"I'm sorry.The christmas decorations should have been taken away.It's 15 days past new years'.It is those prickly decorations..."she walked up and covered Disha from Trupthi's view.Trupthi went back to her screen.She then quietly asked Disha,"Want to go outside?"

    Disha nodded mutely.She quietly followed Shilpa out of the ODC.Once they were out,Shilpa said,"Perhaps you should go wash your face.You are sweating like crazy.Do you want to see a doctor?"."No.",Disha finally found her voice,"I'm fine.Just exhausted.Thanks."

    Shilpa replied,"Very well.Stop staring at the new guy like he's some kind of ghost.It is very noticeable."

    Disha froze.Shilpa looked her in the eye.It was one of those inexplicable moments when magical friendships are formed.

    Disha said,"Thanks for covering me."

    Shilpa replied,"Never mind that.Not everyone in this world is as bad as you think,you know."

    "How did you know that I think so?",Disha asked,wide-eyed.

    Shilpa smiled,"I didn't.You just told me!!"

    They laughed.And it was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    Disha Diaries

    Part 3

    "What's your New Year resolution?",Trupti asked."Huh,What?",Disha's conciousness descended to that within the ODC(for the uninitiated,that means Offshore Development Centre)."Jesus!Girl, why do you look so lost always?It's almost like you are from some other planet!!"."Ya,it's a place called the Earth.Of course you wouldn't know,considering you definitely aren't from there.....",Disha mumbled to herself."What did you say?",Trupti asked."Nothing.Do we have a Knowledge transfer session scheduled for today as well?",Disha asked."Not sure.Rajesh didn't mention anything",came Trupti's reply. "Well that's a first.Since when does Rajesh schedule KT sessions?Has he finally decided to give up his pretence?Is that his new year's resolution?!!!...What am I thinking,I should be thinking of resolutions,not miracles!!"."Hehehehehe",she giggled aloud.

    Trupti rolled her eyes and looked meaningfully at Shilpa. Shilpa slowly shook her head from side to side and resumed staring at her monitor.Unlike the boisterous Trupti,Shilpa was the silent type.That,did not mean that she was a pushover.She simply avoided confrontations as long as it was humanly possible.Besides,it was a lot easier to agree with Trupti in order to get her to shut up than to argue with her.Shilpa could argue.But with reason and logic.And Trupti,well...just used her volume to a criminal extent.

    Shilpa secretly admired Disha.Although Disha was a natural misfit in the team,she was the only person who could successfully render Trupti speechless,without resorting to violence.She didn't even need to raise her volume for the purpose!The event,however was a rarity in itself,and so all the more enjoyable,whenever it occured.Shilpa hoped to master the trait someday .

    Then something inexplicable happened.Disha froze.He had arrived,and in that very ODC.