Thursday, July 14, 2011

An interesting conversation :)

I received feedback about my previous article. I ended up having an interesting conversation with one of my friends regarding the same.I thought it was something worth putting up on the blog :)
It could probably help/guide someone else:
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Shreyas: ???
me: i need feedback.Thank you
Sent at 7:57 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: its 13th july not 14th
me: yeah
thanks for pointing it out
this is why i need feedback

Sent at 7:59 PM on Thursday
me: just the terror article
Shreyas: ok
me: what do u think?
Shreyas: Easy said than done
well put i would say
me: hehe
but it's practical i think
Shreyas: i wasn't aware of some of the points you mentioned
me: it just needs will
as in?
Sent at 8:08 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: It needs awareness, one which come from education - illiteracy is the issue here and other to keep them well informed (talking about the working class).
talking about will yes but it is the case of 'apna daal pakana'
me: true
but illiteracy doesn't stand in the way of common sense
Shreyas: for eg. take bribery, i had to get education loan so i needed my house papers from BBMP and I had to warm their hands
thats why I said awareness , to be well informed.
me: actually
bribing has become a way of life
if all people start refusing to payit'llautmaticlly set in the new trend
check out our reformed auto-wallahs for instance
now they charge metre fare from beniganahalli to my place
earlier Rs.30 was std rate
now i dont budge
if they say more
i say suit urself
Sent at 8:14 PM on Thursday
me: i couldn't believe itwhen they took just 17 rs

Shreyas: I don't understand how hate and violence can be ingrained in a person that they can kill others
me: its all about money
poor people do anythin for money
if they aresufficiently agitated
Shreyas: Ture
yes poverty is crippling
me: yeah
u can deal with extrenal militia
Shreyas: all these issues are just symptoms, the core is unhealthy
me: butwataboutthose who turn rebels within the country due to governmental apathy?
no its not just that
u check out sharad pawar
he was food and agricultural minister in the cabinet
but he was more interested in duties as BCCI/ICC cheif
and check out how foodgrains rotted in here
while people were hungry
Shreyas: Uff dont talk about that, punjab tons and tons of food grains rotting
me: why not?
someone needs to talk
u see things happening around
speak up
the more u stay quiet and accept
it becomes a way of life
and soon
u wontresent anything
i experimented with the auto guys
and itworked!
Shreyas: you need masses
me: i see hope
well - boond boond saagar banta hai

Shreyas: you need to understand the system
me: who makes the system?
we do!
we validate it into existence
stop validating
and automatically
the system gets customised according to ur convenience
Shreyas: That is what anna is trying to do
me: yeah
thing is
he's an old guy
he needs the younger ones to carry through
but all the young ones are stuckupin s/w jobs -well-paid and high flyers
who just wanna catch somesleep
too tired
the rest are pursuing higher studies outside the nation
Shreyas: Look at Karnataka
me: and serving those countries with their prodigous skill
i have noticed
unless its about cricket
Shreyas: its a mockery, YSR is busy saving his own behind, other when in power did not do anything, now not letting him to do any thing
me: ppl aregenerally ashamed of india
they dont think of culture and heritage
say india
and the mental image formed is that of corruption,garbage and stink
that image needs to go
it's all aboutpersonal glory
no one cares boutt others
all wanna save their own backs
Shreyas: yes, i know indians thenselves look down upon the systems here
me: exactly
even the poorest american or chinese is proud of his nation
and wierdly so is pakistan

indians- on the contraty are a cynical bunch
they just find faults
dont offer any plausible solutions
and expectsomeone else to take careof theirissues
even yesterday
rest of the country yelling at govt failures
but mumbai
they just went back to work
they dont care
coz they know
only they can help themselves
govt can only do so much
restis always up tou
Sent at 8:32 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: people know they are helpless, in the fact like this is life, only the ones who have suffered know the agony
me: aren't u sunshine?

noone is helpless
ppl are just too lazy
Sent at 8:38 PM on Thursday
Shreyas: not lazy, until it happens to them they will not stand up.
me: yeah
Sent at 8:40 PM on Thursday
me: they're just too laid bacl
Shreyas: not laid back, life keep them busy, just get on with their work
me: hmmm
it's not about being busy,
it's aboutpriorities
noticed how work takes a backseat when u have an emergency athome?
tats wat life is about
Sent at 8:43 PM on Thursday
I thank Shreyas for permitting me to share this chat transcript:)

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