Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tips to write a poem

Been at home for 10 days due to a back problem...strictly advised to stay away from the system for now:)But this post was worth all the effort!

Well,the title must sound grand.So I'd like to give the disclaimer beforehand - I am not an expert!But the following tips work,95% of the occasions.The remaining 5% I'll attribute to moments of misjudgement:) And why 95%? Well,coz I got my first fan mail!!(Ok,maybe not "fan mail",but appreciation at least!!)So I must be doing something right!!Right?

And since I am an obnoxious show off(And proud of it too:P), I am going to share the mail,and my reply.(Applause!!;))

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Saurabh Suman wrote:
Hi Renju,
I might be stranger to you but I've browsed your blog. and i was really impressed by the way you write. I also love the poetry but its not actually my cup of tea, but still i want to put my ideas in to the poems which the world should appreciate. Here is one of my poem(Can you pls just go through it and edit it wherever necessary):
You looked so happy with the path you had chosen
Getting everything in your, fame everything
you have a Mercedes standing in your great bungalow.
what else you need? you look so happy
But my dear friend, you're making your life dark
Today you're busy with your work,
You don't have time for your friends
Coz running behind the money as it's in trend
Have you forgotten the days which were spent together
the days when we sat together, laughed together,
where are those days?
Look inside you, you think you're happy
no my dear friend
ask yourself do you have even a shoulder to cry
is there anyone who is with you
you don't have time for anyone else..except money
money isn't life,look outside
don't be so selfish, this time won't come back
there won't be anyone even if you will be sad
life is so beautiful, take a step, and give your time
to your family.. to your friends,
who were always with you, even when the world detest
That would be really nice of you. Also, i don't know how to end my poem
Suman Saurabh

My reply:

Hi Suman,

I'm flattered that my blog has impressed you so much that you actually trust me to proof-read yours!!Consider me obnoxious,but I'll be adding this as a part of my blog:)

I am no expert.I just tend to write whatever catches my fancy or weighs on my mind at a given moment.If I happen to have a pen in my hand at that predestined moment,I end up composing it!I am sure anyone else can do the same,so there is no need to undermine yourself.

Anyway,I went through your poem.I didn't edit it because, as an artist,I know how much of effort and creativity goes into every piece of art -be it a poem,painting or a sculpture.So I wouldn't want to tarnish what is rightfully yours.

However,I can surely make a few suggestions.However,it is up to you,whether to incorporate it or not.

1.You do have a poetic sense,but the rhyming could make it more lyrical.Lyrics are not essential,but then,it would add a musical quality to your poems.You have rhymed it at certain places and ignored it at others.So,somewhere,the lyrical continuity is missing.Well,it's my personal opinion.

But please don't go writing things like -
The cat sat on a mat,
It wore a pretty hat!
(That's stupid)...Write about things that really concern you.Write from your heart.Doesn't matter if there are no rhyming words,the end result is bound to be beautiful.

2.This may sound a bit harsh.But I think you should work on your grammar.Throughout the poem,the tense of the poem is not clear-Past,present or future.It looks like you are comparing the past with the present and are warning about the future consequences,but the sequencing could be better.Presently,the poem goes back and forth.It could confuse your reader.

3.The ending is the most critical part of any poem.For it reflects what you are actually trying to convey through a poem.I don't see anything wrong with the present ending of your poem.

However,for future reference,you can end your poems in several ways. 2 of my favourite endings are when -

a)You make the decision for your readers to follow - These kind of endings are in poems with a strong theme.Topics that you feel strongly about.And topics that you have an opinion on.And the way you end it should be such,that the predominant thoughts among your readers,after going through the poem,should be in favour of your opinion.Or totally against!Never let it be neutral,for a poem stems from emotions.And hence should evoke the reader's emotions.

b)You let your readers take their own decision - These are usually attributed to poems with a deep meaning.Wherein,the answers don't lie on the surface of the issue,and require some sort of soul - searching.On such occasions,it is best for the reader to decide himself/herself.On these occasions,you leave the reader with a question in their mind,prodding them to look for the answers,be it outside,or within themselves.

Well,these are all the words of wisdom I could add from personal style and experience.I hope you'll find it useful.

Keep writing,and make sure you enjoy it while you do.If you enjoy it,I guarantee your readers surely will!

All the best!

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