Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's an open secret...

There's nothing new about corruption,
What's sad is,it's now an established institution!
If all is fair in love and war,
then what prevailed,is this superstar..
I promise,this is no satire,
Just trying to gauge the vastness,of this empire.

Your boss is an ace skunk,
But you call him a charmer;
Your customer could die of frostbite,
But you promise it'll get warmer.
Don't think of them as humans,they're just resources.
To hell with karma and other cosmic forces!

You don't need an exemplary qualification,
Heck!You don't even need education!
If you just master,the trade and it's tricks,
Doesn't matter, how much your conscience pricks.
An added advantage would be a poker face,
and whenever required,some charm and grace

Honesty and sincerity, are now old fashion;
Integrity died a slow death,sans passion.
If work is worship,then the boss must be god,
But doesn't this supernatural being,strike you as odd?
Millions of contacts,no familial ties,
Retrospect a bit,and voila! A web of lies!

More money than can be spent,
no sense of consequence,or any moral bent,
And if caught,instead of hanging heads in shame,
Proudly enter,the infamous' hall of fame;
While the ever rotting downtrodden,give a wry smile,
Ask,"Hasn't this circus been on for a while?"

1 comment:

Bharat said...

Honesty & Sincerity is now old fashion for only those who consider it old fashion. They are still the most valued virtues of society and always will be. Maybe the count of people who have these values has reduced, but someone with integrity and congruence in their words and thoughts will still be in peace in today's society.