Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spread the goodwill...

It's not about trying to sound sagacious.Every so often one hears someone complaining about everything that is wrong with their lives.Every morning ,the crowd I see seems so caught up in the hustle-bustle of life.There is no sense of cheer on their faces.It's all about -"What's in store for me today?" and it's not even a happy tone.

It's true everyone has their own issues to deal with,their own challenges to face.But in the process,they have forgotten to take a break.You know,to appreciate the simpler things in life.Typically,"to stop and smell the roses".The one who dares to stop,automatically becomes a slow poke.

Whats' the rush?Where do you have to go?The ambitious ones are laughing--"Ya right!Like we have the time to tell.You stay in wonderland.We have some getting ahead in life to do".The lazy ones are freaking,"Please don't do this.You'll take away our identity and joy in life!!"

Two extremely valid points.Although that wasn't really what I was talking about.Did you see the sunrise today in spite of waking up early?Did you smell the morning air?Did you notice the rose in your garden?

Did you listen to your thoughts?Did you observe your feelings?Life goes ways you could possibly not fathom.But be sure you make time to feel good about yourself.Thank God for the miracle of life.Spread joy ,cheer and a smile on someone's face everyday:)

Spread the goodwill...for life is short,but why shouldn't it be happy?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Packrat no more!!

"Gain of entropy eventually is nothing more nor less than loss of information". From a layman's point of view entropy is nothing but the degree of randomness in a closed system.But this particular definition is more of a tongue -in-cheek statement if deciphered carefully.Translated--The more opinions you get,the more confused you get!!!:)

While from a thermodynamic point of view,information is considered to be heat and is further simplified as energy,in a social setting such as ours,it leads to chaos,which eventually is entropy!!

Indians have this innate herd mentality.They don't experiment much.They stick to the tried and tested methods.Is it because of following traditions diligently,or pure laziness,one could never tell for sure.Indians lack neither intelligence,nor imagination.What they do lack,is the independence to make their own choices.They are afraid of failing more than in any other part of the world,simply because they are brought up in the belief that to fail is shameful.It is almost a crime here.

While westerners profess that -Failures are the stepping stone to success",back home,one failure draws a billion comparisons to the one who succeeded and criticisms for the one who didn't.Sadly,sometimes,it also decides the fate of an individual's life.

Every exam result announcement is followed by a spate of suicides.Every defeat in a sport is followed by an analysis,re-analysis and ultimate post-mortem of the defeat, by a panel of "experts".Mind you,these "experts" also consist of people who have absolutely no clue about either the game in question,or any other question for that matter!!The underlying idea here is that these experts,represent the common man,the questions the masses are seeking answers to.In other words,it represents the crowd.

But what is a crowd?It is the most random collection of people.It is the most perfect representation of the second law of thermodynamics.Watch them,observe them - in the market,theatre or bus station.Individually people may have minds of their own.But does the crowd have a mind?They come,they go,they cross each other,with no definite purpose in mind.Ever wondered why crowd control is a difficult job?

Discouraging sports in lieu of academics?Taking up engineering while your heart is in literature?Or working in the fields while you yearn to make music?Going to a job you hate everyday just coz it pays?Coz that's what is the right thing and that's what everyone else does.Really?

It's not about idealism."Be practical!What else will you do?"Being practical is what is tried and tested.But how would you know what else can be achieved unless you try?"What would the neighbours think?".Honestly,the neighbours have issues of their own to deal with.And your neighbours are not in-charge of your happiness.You are!
So what will it be then - follow the crowd or follow your dreams??

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Just like a waving flag!!

That's a popular track this season...K'Naan's "waving flag" that is,what with the football world cup coming up.Quite a catchy tune.And my latest "happy song".Ya,it kinda puts me in a great frame of mind.Tells me - anything is possible,,,and all this even before I discovered what the lyrics were!!!It's probably the spirit of the song.

I was thinking,when a song composed so long ago can carry it's spirit to this day,what about me?
I am indeed a living spirit,aren't I?And a spirit will propagate only what it's been fed on.When that's the kind of simple logic that's being applied,it is only plain old common sense,that you fill your spirit with positive emotions.Shun out anything that makes you feel low.Just smile,believe your happiness is on its way,and wait.Patiently.

Don't ruffle any feathers.Don't exert yourself.If your part is done,the rest will follow.It is coming.Just wait, and watch:)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Been away for a while..

I knew I haven't blogged in while,but I didn't realize it had been this long!Well, my life is beginning to see a lot of positive changes!!For starters,My post has started of on a positive note:) I am now the proud holder of a 2 and 4-wheeler driver's license:P.

I am able to make time to pursue my "original love" - writing.I have composed quite a few poems and articles in these past months.Just that they didn't make it to the blog.Just as well.

Have decided to give my life a new direction.And this time I know it's the right thing because I actually feel good about it!I have never felt more sure of myself in a very long time.Interestingly,I don't even doubt my chances this time around.I think I am finally off my 8-year long exile from myself.How do I know?

My original confidence and arrogance is back!!Go figure!:D