Monday, November 4, 2013

What really matters?

It's interesting to notice that off late, I'm at a constant loss of words. I used to take pride in my ability to articulate almost anything. Yet, these days I find it difficult to string together simple thoughts. Do I lack coherence? Yes. Why? Perhaps, I overdo the thinking part. 
Is it bad?  Yes.  Why? Because, I'm constantly at battle in my mind. So? I am never at peace with myself. Hmmmm.... Interesting. 
Now, what if the introspection stopped? Well, atleast I can have a single mind. 
Good. And so it shall be! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

This is me, then!

There's a common notion that love is pain, that joy is inevitably followed by sorrow, that life is a vicious cycle and that everything is an illusion.

These notions are bullshit! You are alive, full of life, blessed with health and an ability to create your own happiness. Harness that power. Utilize it to the max! You are meant to be happy, so be! Smile :-) 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The delete undelete dilemma

It's been quite sometime since I blogged.And all because someone told me that I become very transparent in my blogs.That one can easily see through me.It was quite an unsettling thought
It made me pretty uncomfortable.I stopped writing.I started introspecting every move of mine.
In the process,I stopped being myself.

I do realize this blog seems like my online diary.And yes,it will be like that coz everytime I write,I put a part of myself into it.With good reason too.I don't write things I dont feel or believe in.Writing is my only passion.Sure,I guess some things are private and should be kept off the cyberspace.

But there is nothing in this blog that I am even remotely ashamed of.So why should I be thinking twice about owning up to my thoughts and feelings.Wouldn't that make me a hypocrite?

There are times when I did consider deleting this blog.But I never could. I cherish this part of me.(And believe me there are not too many things in life that I do cherish).I love writing.I love putting my thoughts out for everyone to see(Egoistic me!!:) Obnoxious?Hell yeah!!

Besides,this is MY blog.Visitors are welcome.Only,they get to read MY thoughts.So enter at your own risk!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


For some time now,
I have nursed a dream,
And now that it is achievable,
Why do I miss the obstacles that were?
Is it too easy?
Is it worth the struggle?
Is it just another distraction?