Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Forgive to Forget

I've been holding in a lot of bitterness for a while now. I've finally released it today.Man!It feels great!!
It's like a great load is off my chest.And I can smile again.The smile that could light up my eyes and a several thousand lives :)

It's true.Unless you forgive, you can't forget.And in order to forget,you must be willing to forgive.So, I forgive you, for all the wrongs done.I forgive myself,for being so bitter so long.I forgive the world, that failed to understand me through it all.

I am free of all bondages.I am free to start my life again. To smile without guile and to be happy because I actually feel it.

There!I'm done fretting.I've arrived in the today!!


Abhidyuti said...

Is it so easy to forgive and forget?
What about the expectations that you had in life?
Most often when we see dreams, they are centred around some people. Ideal scenario is if we don't tag our dreams to any person. But how viable is that?
And to forgive and forget, there must be something in you which is called faith. Faith in life. Faith in the fact that life is not so mean. But where can I find it??? Or how??
When you believe in God, you expect one thing, that your faith shall be rewarded. But when that breaks how to you beleive HIM again or get back the faith in the workings of life or this world??

And then it happened... said...

When you carry so much of negative energy, you lose the motivation to move on to better things in life..and that's exactly why you need to forgive and you can open your world to better avenues and opportunities in life:)