Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Forgive to Forget

I've been holding in a lot of bitterness for a while now. I've finally released it today.Man!It feels great!!
It's like a great load is off my chest.And I can smile again.The smile that could light up my eyes and a several thousand lives :)

It's true.Unless you forgive, you can't forget.And in order to forget,you must be willing to forgive.So, I forgive you, for all the wrongs done.I forgive myself,for being so bitter so long.I forgive the world, that failed to understand me through it all.

I am free of all bondages.I am free to start my life again. To smile without guile and to be happy because I actually feel it.

There!I'm done fretting.I've arrived in the today!!


It’s been a while,
Since a smile,
Adorned my face,
In all it’s grace,
For all the tears,
Through the years,
That I had cried,
And then they dried,
And now you’re here,
I peek through despite my fear,
Is this light I see?
Are we meant to be??