Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's an open secret...

There's nothing new about corruption,
What's sad is,it's now an established institution!
If all is fair in love and war,
then what prevailed,is this superstar..
I promise,this is no satire,
Just trying to gauge the vastness,of this empire.

Your boss is an ace skunk,
But you call him a charmer;
Your customer could die of frostbite,
But you promise it'll get warmer.
Don't think of them as humans,they're just resources.
To hell with karma and other cosmic forces!

You don't need an exemplary qualification,
Heck!You don't even need education!
If you just master,the trade and it's tricks,
Doesn't matter, how much your conscience pricks.
An added advantage would be a poker face,
and whenever required,some charm and grace

Honesty and sincerity, are now old fashion;
Integrity died a slow death,sans passion.
If work is worship,then the boss must be god,
But doesn't this supernatural being,strike you as odd?
Millions of contacts,no familial ties,
Retrospect a bit,and voila! A web of lies!

More money than can be spent,
no sense of consequence,or any moral bent,
And if caught,instead of hanging heads in shame,
Proudly enter,the infamous' hall of fame;
While the ever rotting downtrodden,give a wry smile,
Ask,"Hasn't this circus been on for a while?"

Thursday, May 12, 2011

An original,not a version

I am gonna keep the faith
I am not running away
For I know it's never late
To make ityour day
I used to think I was small
But now I know my worth
I know this is not all
Mine wasn't an insignificant birth
I am meant to go far
yesterday,today and tommorow
For I am a bright,shining star,
Wont waste my life,wallowing in sorrow
Its time to dry out my tears
And to face all my fears
For I am a special person
An original,not a version

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Teach a Child Honesty - wikiHow

Teach a Child Honesty - wikiHow
"Honesty is a dead virtue! All human beings are sinners!"Well,not necessarily.I believe all human beings are innately good.How else would you explain love or sacrifice?Too high sounding?
Well,sample this.How do you feel after you perform a good deed?Something as simple as cleaning your room to slightly bigger tasks,like,volunteering for charity work.Lighter?Happier?Why is a smile contagious?
As human beings,we like to see the good things in the world.It is constant cautioning about the bad elements and negative conditioning from the more "experienced" that make us suspicious and bitter adults.
Children aren't prone to cynicism.They believe in Santa Claus and Tooth fairies.Even when their belief system/fantasy is broken at a later stage in life,they cherish the good old memories associated with it.
How often we wish if we could get back those simpler times.Times that gave us hope of good people in the world.Children are the best vehicles for propogating the change we want to see in the world.


  1. Teach them virtue of honesty by narrating short stories about superheroes and characters who rose to the occasion without compromising on values and defeated the bad people.Childhood memories leave indelible impressions on the subconcious mind.
  • Cater to their curiosity and encourage their inquisitiveness by answering their questions as honestly as possible. Sure,sometimes, things might get embarrassing,based on the level of the child's curiosity.But teach them tact,not dishonesty.
  • It is a common fact,that home is the first educational centre for a child.And children learn to lie by imitating their parents.Avoid this as much as possible,unless,it is in their interest,and not yours.
  • When a child confesses to some mischief or wrong doing,do not punish him/her.Instead appreciate his/her honesty and let him/her off with a stern warning.
  • If punishment is unavoidable,then make it extremely clear that while his/her honesty was appreciated,the deed is what deserves the punishment.Never send the signal that muddles up their notion that "being honest will lead to punishment,so why bother?"
  • In today's world of cut throat competition,being truthful might not always be practical.And sometimes,it can be downright suicidal.BUt teach your child,that while fibbing is bad,to lie to protect someone's life,or perhaps to protect someone from hurt feelings , is equally necessary.
  • Ancient Indian mythology says,"A lie told to protect someone,if far better than a 100 truths that will destroy him/her"
  • If your child has got the right message, he/she will grow up to be a wonderful human being,with empathy and compassion.And most of all,a genuine concern for every living and non-living thing that exists.
  • Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Teach a Child Honesty. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    From the heart again...

    You know,my last two posts,are simply garbage!!Well,I am my own worst critic, and ,presently ,I was being polite about my own piece of work.It's a very simple truth.I was trying to write about things that I seriously don't care about.Things that are not close to my heart.And I can see,the effort,at showing fake concern,quite frankly bombed!:)

    I am an IAS aspirant.So,here I was,trying to be all dignified and show concern about the matters that bog the world.Now I realize,dignity is not as important as integrity.With integrity,dignity follows,naturally.

    It's just that,I tried to show concern about things that don't really affect me at a grassroot level.It's very simple.One can only show concern about those things that affect them. Concern is an emotion.Not a diplomatic word.It brings in the concept of morality and care,empathy and sympathy.And when one acts dignified(for dignity is not a natural state,it is a practised art,just like deception),one is basically masquerading their actual feelings and emotions.

    Try expecting dignity from a beggar.You might come across a rare one with steely eyes,filled with intensity.You say,"My God!! What attitude!Can you imagine,he's just a beggar!!"Your reaction is always emotional.And you expect to see misery in the beggar.But if you threw money at the beggar's face,and then he places you with an intense look,registering your insult,it does unnerve you.

    He just exercised his integrity.He's not a destitute by choice,but your rudeness was.And you are equally aware of the fact.And believe it or not,it makes you feel really good about yourself. When you look at someone less fortunate compared to yourself,you automatically feel relief that you are not in that person's position,that you were spared the shame/embarassment/grief/misfortune/whatever. Even Gandhiji's talisman draws in on this fact,whether one realizes it or not. The world is indeed sinister.;)

    Off late,I have been going through the blogs and posts of several IAS/UPSC aspirants.A very interesting one reads"I want to be an honestIAS officer!!Please help!!!".
    Honestly!It's not merely laughable,it's pathetic.The choice of words "want to be honest" shows self-doubts about the candidates character. And the words "An honest IAS officer",shows that the concept of dishonest IAS officer has been institutionalized.Pathetic,how easily it has been accepted.And the worst,"Please help!!" Hahahaaha! Dude!Help yourself!Don't become one! Imagine,as a district collector/District Commisioner/Cabinet Secretary you are faced with a war/drought/flood/tsunami like situation and you reiterate those very words!Frankly demoralizing!

    No.I am not telling all of us are born with these answers.Most of us don't even know how to get through one whole day without causing any major disasters.But,you need to have enough faith in yourself to deal with your turmoils.Yes ,help will follow when needed.But you should be the leader in your situation,and be able to handle it.I don't know who quoted this,"If you don't have faith in yourself,then who will?".But ,it definitely is worth pondering over.

    I believe I am a great writer.I made my foray into social networking sites,a few years back.With due respect to them,on facebook and orkut,I don't find anything that stimulates my mind like when I am left alone with my own thoughts.Does that make me a narcissist?I don't know.Maybe I am obnoxious.But this is who I am. I am not afraid of my identiy.Nor ashamed of it.Whatever I am today,was because of wherever I chose to be at whichever point in my life.I am but the morphosis of my journey,not an end product in itself,for I have not attained my end,yet.

    Poverty ,Hunger ,Domestic ,Wage earners who are underpaid-now these things affect me. Social inequality,practise of caste system,male chauvinism,they bother me.But the real problem that enrages me-freedom- the definition,the boundaries,the whole circus around it.We have constitutions written around it.What we can,and what we can't do.Who determines it? You were born free.The moment they determine your sex,you lost half your freedom,and when you were registered as a citizen,you lose what's remaining too:D