Saturday, February 12, 2011

Life is calling...

where are you?..It's a tagline of a popular drink.I dunno about the effect of the drink,for I don't drink...yet;)...But that tagline sure has left an indelible impression upon me.It has forced me to do something I have not done ever since I started working..and to think!!

It might sound funny..but it's sad actually.As a school kid or even as a college-goer,I was always teeming with creative ideas,constantly thinking,pondering,trying to understand...and ..ahem..make a difference.It was as natural as breathing.

Ever since I started working,the only perk has been,economic independence.My life soon turned into a routine,and with it,my thought process.I became as mechanized as the machine I use at work.Log in,code,test,log out.That was it.

I am not a machine.Obvious statement,I suppose.But my activities beg to differ from something that obvious.I am a unique creation of nature,just like everything and everyone else in nature.

And a free spirit,who is to answer the call of life..for life is calling:)