Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hope...keeps the world afloat..

Well yes..isn't that true?No matter how many hardships we face, we conquer them.And while the adage goes - once bitten,twice shy..sometimes we trustingly try again.What justifies such irrational behaviour?It's a single emotion - Hope.

Been through a lot of seemingly negative experiences off late.Not complaining.It gave me an opportunity to grow,to discover hitherto latent talents for one!It helped rediscover myself,this time, through my own eyes.

It has been an agelong folly of mine, to measure my self worth through another person's point of view.I need to give myself a break!These days, I've adopted a new way of life. Now, I love it when people take me for an idiot, it makes it all the more fun to prove them wrong ;)

I've come to realize I am an extremely strong person.Stronger than I give myself credit for.As a kid, I was a famous 'cry baby'.Over the years, I have turned into an uncannily dry-eyed adult.

Crying is a release mechanism.It is required when you are holding in a lot of baggage.I have learnt to let go off mine.That's probably why I don't cry anymore.I have learnt to accept things as they are...which, strangely isn't the same as giving up.It's probably the wisdom of knowing that events/circumstances are not always going to be in your control.But, that does not imply one should get worked up.It only means, you have been provided with a new avenue to discover your happiness!

At the end of the day, every human being wants to be loved and accepted, appreciated for being who they are.Living in constant pressure of undue expectations,and fear of failing to live up to those expectations..that's not what life is all about.It shouldn't be what life is all about!!

Life is about being happy and joyous at every stage.And how can one appreciate sunshine without a bit of rain?On hindsight,at the end of it all, one also gets to discover the wonderful rainbow:)