Saturday, March 19, 2011

Looked West, Looking East,Headed to Look Upwards

Theodore Roosevelt had advocated the famed "Big Stick Policy" during his political tenure."Talk softly and carry a big stick,and you'll go far".How many of us actually know that this, is in fact a West African proverb? It is a splendid example of how an interpretation can completely change the destiny of a man,a nation, for centuries to follow.

The present day USA is but a culmination of migrant population from various colonies. They were sent to US as exile measures or slave trading. Then it wasn't even the USA.It was simply America. The America of the Native Americans,the Aboriginals and Indians(Disambiguated by Columbus's mistake,for he believed he had arrived at the East Indies).

It is the migrants from various regions and colonies who actually migrated to America over the centuries,developed a collective consciousness and sense of National Identity.The overcame the colonial power excercised by Spain,France ,England and many other countries.On July 4th, 1776 – The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the 13 colony states of the United States Of America, separating it from Great Britain and its king. There has been speculations about whether July 4 was the actual day the Declaration of independence was signed.Indeed,it is thought that although July 4 was the said date,the actual declaration was signed on August 2,1776.

There is an important geographic fact about July 4th.Earth is said to be at the perihelion,i.e,the farthest point from the sun on this particular day based on its revolutionary orbit.If that is true,light falling on the earth on its perihelion should be limited,considering the distance from the sun.But then,why is July midsummer in the West? Simply because,the seasons are determined by the 23.5 degree tilt of the earth's axis.Hence,the Northern hemisphere,tilting towards the sun,receives maximum sunlight.(The Southern hemisphere experiences winter during this time).Hence,July 4th receives maximum sunlight in the year.

The Sun is the primordial and powerful source of energy,and hence all life processes on the Earth. A nation that declares its independence on the day with maximum sunlight,harnessing maximum "power"(pun very much intended), is obviously expected to utilize it! I am not an astrologer.I don't even claim to be one.But certain facts stare us in the face,even when we try to deny it.

The US is unique in the fact that they never follow.When the whole world had right-sight driven cars,the US drives left.They follow the pound system,while the "Standard" says Kilogram.They follow Miles, and we scream "Kilometre".And the fun part,is that they are not different in a "mad-scientist" sort of way.They respect (or so it seems) the ways of other countries. But the message comes very quietly- "When you are on my turf,you follow my rules".It is not loud,but crystal clear(The Big Stick Policy applied and how!).They always chart out a different path,and ensure everyone else toes that line.Infuriating as this is to its allies(no one is openly hostile to the US!),they are forced to respect it,even if grudgingly so.

The only few occasions where US complacence was shaken was during the dreaded Pearl Harbour episode,or the 9/11 attack on the WTC.But,the US reacted,and how! Somehow,the superpower, showed everyone, who the boss really is(Big Stick Policy again!),equivalent to breaking the bones of the offenders in what could be construed as revenge,sweet revenge

Like all the planets orbit around the sun,somehow,all the countries in the unipolar world revolved around policy decisions made in the US.Unfortunately,the withering of its only serious rival for a very long time,the USSR,somehow sealed this fact. But like the cosmic truth that even a long day ultimately comes to an end, the focus is slowly shifting to the East.The Chinese making huge technological and economic advents(India is not far behind either).Japan had made its presence felt very long back with the amount of destruction it caused and underwent(Pearl Harbor,Hiroshima,Nagasaki,nuclear attack).

Japan is a splendid example of resilience in the east.Braving earthquakes and volcanoes,they,along with the US,brave the Pacific Ring of Fire,and letting nothing deter it from being among the most developed countries in the world.It has braved a Tsunami recently,and is once again facing a serious nuclear situation due to the overheating of reactors in Fukushima,an aftermath of the recent dreaded Tsunami and earthquake.But nothing deters them.They move on and rebuild.

The US tendency to play Big brother a host of nations, while resented,is actually obliged by economically weaker nations. Perhaps money does rule after all.But that's not it.The US makes native goodness look cool.It is the perfect Global ambassador. From Sushi(Japanese cuisine) to Yoga(Very very Indian),everything becomes cool once it is Americanized.Hell,even Swami Vivekananda was recognized once he went to America!!

Perhaps that's the lure of this land.You can love them,hate them but just can't ignore them.Probably China is in the fray to topple the US complacence once again.The world will have to wait and watch if the US is atits twilight or rises once again like the proverbial phoenix.

Or perhaps,like Japan, will all of them just realize that, all this one-up manship falls flat in the face of something above them all,Nature's fury unleashed?For then,man is truly humbled,and has to bow until nature has had her say.And start again....all over again.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Logic and Logistics

As a kid,I heard of the story of 'Chicken Little',who cried the 'Sky is falling'.Actually,I heard it's Indian version-"Aasmaan gir raha hai".
The gist of the story is that a rabbit hears a loud noise win its sleep,and presumes that the end of the world has arrived.He runs helter and skelter to inform everyone of impending doom and consequently everyone else panics and follows him(Mob mentality).

Now you must forgive me for after this part my memory of this story isn't exactly crystal clear,but one wise animal(not sure which) stops the mob and asks why is there a stampede in progress.And(let's assume the sequence of animals from here based on my convenience;)),the fox replies-"The sky is falling",and he asks "who told you so?".The fox points to the wolf,the wolf to the deer,deer to the tiger and at some point,the originator of the news,the rabbit,comes under the scanner.

The rabbit says ,"Well,I heard a loud explosion,so I thought the sky must be falling."Finally,the rabbit is taken to the spot where he heard the "explosion".And it turns out,the "explosion" was due to the gravitational descent of a jack fruit near the spot the rabbit had fallen asleep.

The obvious moral of this story is that "One must not jump into conclusions".But on hindsight,it also speaks of the might of numbers.For,when the whole world is running in a certain direction,ancient wisdom would only propel us to follow that direction.Not to question it.(Mob mentality again).It is also perhaps why democracy gains popularity.For,the voice of the majority stands out.

Ever wondered if the voice of the majority is actually the right one?Isaac Newton,Archimedes,St.Valentine.... why.. even Jesus Christ wasn't exactly very popular with the "authorities" who "knew" what was "right and wrong".Lone voices,that were not understood in their times,but later on in life.

How is this relevant in the present day?For one,self-proclaimed superpowers who believe it is their sole and divine duty to "protect" the rest of the world.The hypocrisy of massacring innocents in certain countries for their own benefit while talking about "the right to rule over one's own land,of democracy and equality".The Jasmine revolution truly left behind its strong yet sweet fragrance.From Tunisia to Egypt and now Libya.

Unlike the peaceful revolution in Tunis and Tahrir Square,Libyan revolution is seeing unprecedented bloodshed,which every nation in the United Nations Security Council (headquartered in New York) condemns. Ironically, the members of the UNSC are conveniently blind to happenings in Afghanistan! Of course,the other middle eastern countries and China have a different set of concerns.

Mob mentality?Or the fear of upsetting the biggest bully in the ground?According to Debka File, the news website linked to Israeli security agencies, U.S., British and French military advisers and intelligence officers landed in the eastern breakaway province of Cyrenaica in Libya to prepare the logistics of a possible military operation.

This Global policing is nothing short of global hypocrisy.While the intent may be right on this occasion,it has not been justified on several other occasions.Whether it was to find the imaginary "Weapons of Mass destruction" in Iraq which lead to the execution of Saddam Hussein, or the current air-strikes on Afghan.The guts of being able to shoot 2 Pakistani nationals on their own soil and having the nerve to demand diplomatic immunity!!I mean, would it work out the same if a diplomat shot the President and demanded "diplomatic immunity?!!!"The logic surpasses common sense.Every human life is precious.

True,one may be a superpower.But even the comic book superhero agrees that "With great power comes great responsibility".Maybe it is time the superpowers took responsibility for their actions.For,if they expect the world to follow their rules,they'll have it understand that sooner or later they are going to catch up with their actions too.And it'll do no good crying foul then.