Saturday, December 26, 2009


Hmmm..I have never thought of it that way before.Writing started off as a hobby.Not something I consciously worked upon.It's something I enjoyed,and loved so much.Then I believe it's true that if you love something,really enjoy it,it automatically ceases to be a chore.

I remember being reprimanded by my parents as a youngster.It used to amaze them how I could know all the movie songs like the back of my hand, but no such magic effected my maths formulae.

Interesting.That revelation amazed me as much as it did them.(Honest!!)But then I started wondering(sinking back to my old habit of going off tangent without warning),what if my teacher actually assigned me the task of memorizing the songs everyday?What if our curriculum had subjects that involved movies,sitcoms,soaps,cartoons,and whatever else is on TV...? Would we really enjoy our hobbies(pre-supposing TV viewing is a hobby:)) ?

I doubt the answer would be in affirmative.The very existence of hobbies are the need to give ourselves a break. To break the monotony of life.To separate the "serious" stuff from "fun" activities .That's how a hobby has always been defined to me.It's not something you depend upon for survival.It's just something to amuse yourself with.

To all those people who provided me with that enlightening definition(or anything else along those lines):"You're Wrong".

Hobbies are integral to one's existence.Because one finds his/her outlet in the hobby..It's like therapy sometimes.They end up finding themselves through that hobby.Ask Da Vinci,he knows!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Back at the desk..

It's been really long since my last post.And with good reason too.Well,someone told me my posts make me look too transparent.All my private thoughts are put to display.I took offense and decided to stop writing.Bad decision!!

Writing is my passion.If I have a gift of words I shouldn't be wasting it right?I mean,what if that gift gets taken away??That very thought scared the hell out of me.I could be rusty from lack of practice.But practise makes perfect.Too many cliches?

Ya,I know.I sound boring even to myself!!:) But atleast I am owning up to it.Besides,if I didn't put out my own thoughts,who's else would I?

I was reading the manuscript of a novel my friend has been trying to write since time immemorial.(Ok that's exaggeration.Well, almost a year though!)

This post is not to mock him.He will get there eventually.I know.I just started wondering about my passion and flair for writing.(With due respect to the cyberspace terminology,from here on ,writing shall be replaced with composition,although even if I did goof up,who really cares??:D)

I work with a software firm.All my waking hours in the week are spent there.It's a pain to work long hours.It is stressful without a doubt,but mostly because it doesn't leave you with enough time to pursue your hobbies and other aspirations(Unless you are a hardcore nerd,which I definitely am not!!)

I respect my job.I mean,it pays!It gives me a sense of responsibility.And on days that I manage to get the code right,I am even Euphoric!!But my heart has always been on literary pursuits.I dunno if that means I tend to leisure more than hard work.

I enjoy reading novels.I like writing articles.I enjoy composing poetry.But the practical part of me wonders if it serves anyone else a purpose?I know I derive my joy by indulging in it,but what about the others?

I am not a philanthrophist.I am not exactly selfish.I am as concerned about the world as the next person.The day I find an answer to that,I guess I can truly pursue writing.No qualms,no regrets.